Essentials Of Music Theory 1

Book 1
Staff, Notes and Pitches * Treble & Bass Clefs * Grand Staff & Ledger Lines * Note Values * Measure, Bar Line and Double Bar * 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 Time Signatures * Whole, Half & Quarter Notes/Rests * Dotted Half & Quarter Notes * Ties & Slurs * Repeat Sign, 1st & 2nd Endings * Eighth Notes & Rests * Dynamic Signs, Tempo Marks & Articulation * D.C., D.S., Coda & Fine * Flats, Sharps & Naturals * Whole & Half Step, Enharmonic Notes.

Surmani / Manus THEORY Level 1

SKU:  ae00-22642^00-17231
Price: $9.99

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